
Fletching newsFletching news
Fletching news
CHURCH SERVICES: Church of St Andrew and St Mary the Virgin, Sunday, 10am Parish Communion. Wednesday, 10am Holy Communion.

CHROMATICS CHOIR: Meet on Monday at 7pm.

ART GROUP: Meets on Wednesday at 1pm.

MARTIAL ARTS: Kobudo Martial Arts meet on Thursday at 5pm.

FLETCHING SINGERS: The Fletching Singers Easter Concert 2019 will be on Saturday March 23, at 7.30pm at St Margaret’s Church, Buxted. Mozart Requiem in D Minor K626.

80 YEARS AGO: Sussex Express 17 February 1939. Auntie Ivy Writes: Dear Nieces and Nephews,

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As there are several important notes to make this week, Uncle Tom has asked me to attend to them. So will you all please read carefully, as there may be a note for you to answer. First, about special events in aid of our Hospital Farthing Fund. The following special events are to be held, and we hope that all Elkins in the districts, and their parents, will give what help they can, Whist drive at Uckfield. February 23 (arranged by Mrs Hussey).

And now for special prizes offered this year. Here are details of some of them, and we would like others who want to offer prizes to write and tell us. Prizes so far offered are: Fletching Elkins collecting most farthings during 1939: Fountain pen for boy, and handbag for girl (given by Miss Gladys Martin, of Lewes). Lovingly, Auntie Ivy

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