Eastbourne council takes decisive action to combat climate change

Eastbourne council says it is tackling the climate emergency ‘head-on’ with the approval of a set of measures to deliver a carbon neutral town by 2030.

This includes £36,000 a year towards the cost of a new dedicated post, shared with Lewes District Council, to develop and support the delivery of a climate change strategy.

The move comes after the council declared a Climate Emergency in July.

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The authority’s Jonathan Dow said, “Climate change is the defining issue of our time and we are committed to meeting it head-on. We already have very strong foundations to build upon and achieve our carbon neutral goal due to the fantastic work the council has carried out in this area over recent years.”

Eastbourne was one of the first councils to invest in renewable energy – Solar Bourne – which generated enough clean energy to power 245 homes.

Other council achievements include the planting of 2,860 trees since 2002, the introduction of anti-idling zones to help cut carbon emission and improve air quality, the establishment of Clear Sustainable Futures which enables other renewable technologies to be explored and the adoption of a sustainability policy in 2018.

Looking ahead, the council will now set up an officer working group to make sure all its services and departments are fully engaged in the delivery of the Climate Change Strategy.

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A climate change strategic panel is also being established, comprising of five councillors, to oversee the strategy’s development and make recommendations regarding carbon reduction and climate adaptation.

In addition, a new community partnership has been launched, bringing together key campaigning and action groups with the council to develop its plans in this area.

Councillor Dow said, “To achieve these reductions in carbon emissions and vital climate adaptations we need the support and engagement of as many people as possible.”