Decision due on details of hundreds of new Pagham homes

Proposed layout planProposed layout plan
Proposed layout plan
A developer’s plans to build up to 280 homes, an ambulance community response post, open spaces and either a school or a care home are due to be discussed on Wednesday (October 27).

Arun District Council’s planning committee will consider developer Taylor Wimpey’s plan for the site north of Sefter Road, in Pagham.

This follows the granting of outline permission, which approved the principle of the development, in October 2019 (P/134/16/OUT).

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This is subject to developer contributions, also known as ‘Section 106’ contributions.

Now, the committee members will decide whether or not to approve further details such as the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of the development.

Dwellings range in size from one-bed flats to four-bed houses with the whole development being served by 656 car parking spaces.

Buildings will be mostly two-storeys high with the potential for three-storey buildings in the centre of the site.

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Housing design will differ between a northern and southern parcel and  a central area, with all drawing on local features such as knapped flint.

A replacement scout hut is also planned as well as a central green, play area and a traffic-free cycle and pedestrian route.

Number 80 Rose Green Road could also be demolished to make way for access to the development and up to 280 homes could be built if the school or care home ‘do not come forward’, says the developer.

Main access would be from Sefter Road and separate access for pedestrians and emergency vehicles only is also proposed.

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An area of green space known as a SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace) is planned for the site perimeter.

Taylor Wimpey says the majority of existing plants and trees will be kept with extra planting planned and basins to form a habitat for local wildlife.

The site was earmarked for housing in the 2018 Arun Local Plan as part of the Pagham North strategic location which allows for up to 800 dwellings.

One member of the public objected to the plans citing the delivery of highway improvements, connection to the sewer and a request for improved medical facilities to serve the development.

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Pagham Parish Council had several concerns surrounding parking, layout, narrow roads, flooding potentially affecting existing properties, and what it called the ‘overbearing’ height of properties not being ‘in-keeping’ with the village.

Sport England called for more sports facilities to meet increased demand and council officers confirmed that contributions will be made towards these.

A previous reserved matters application (P/24/20/RES) was refused in June 2020 because it did not provide land for a school or a care home or meet the terms of outline planning permission.

A mix of dwelling types were also not provided according to council officers and no adequate parking provision had been made.

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It was also unclear if a refuse vehicle could have navigated the site and the scale and design was not considered ‘of a high standard’.

But officers say most of these concerns have now been addressed and have recommended the plans for approval with conditions.

More details can be found on the Arun planning portal using reference: P/49/21/RES.