11 Photos: Love is in the air for Valentine's day in Chichester!

Here’s 11 photos showing how the shops in the Chichester high street have geared up for Valentine’s Day!

Valentine's Day is a celebration of love and affection, that covers the world in a blanket of warmth and tenderness each February 14th. It's a day where hearts and stomachs flutter with anticipation, flowers are given to lovers and chocolates are scoffed.

Whether it's a romantic dinner for two, a thoughtful gesture, or a simple declaration of admiration, this day beckons us to express our deepest sentiments. Amidst the flurry of excitement, amidst the exchange of embraces, there's a real charm that you can feel in the air.

As the day unfolds, couples will stroll hand in hand, laughter dances in the breeze, and love radiates from every corner. In Chichester, the spirit of Valentine's Day is very visible. We took photos around Chichester of shops that are showing the love for this special day.