Councillors vital

WE are grateful to Ian Hart for another interesting suggestion outlining a possible political future for Worthing '“ an elected mayor and no councillors.

Ian believes there are councils up and down the country which have abolished councillors and replaced them with an elected mayor. We have yet to find one – perhaps Ian can name an example.

Yes, there are directly elected mayors. Boris Johnson in London, the man in the monkey suit Stuart Drummond in Hartlepool and former police officer Ray Mallon in Middlesbrough.

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But they are not alone – London has 25 assembly members and 32 borough councils, Hartlepool has 48 councillors and Middlesbrough 49.

Councillors’ work is much more varied than Ian’s scenario suggests, which was amply illustrated in the Herald’s recent diary of councillor Norah Fisher.

Residents look to councillors to be there on a day-to-day basis for their help with problems in their ward – far too much work in Worthing for just one man or woman, however capable.

Ian’s thoughts do chime in some ways with ours on the need to make savings, but we believe the area to be looked at is the senior officers – the top three with a combined salary approaching £300,000.

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That is why we have today called for the chief executive post (£115,000) to be abolished and for the leader of the council to step in to take over some of the role.

But removing 37 councillors? No – sorry, 37 into one doesn’t go.

Alan Rice

Worthing Borough Council

Liberal Democrat group leader

Woodlea Road
