In early discussions

IN reply to the allotment holders' letter of last week. Our amenities team is looking for the most cost-effective and simple solution for the future provision of allotments in Rother district, ensuring value for money for all current and future tenants.

As part of this process, the team contacted all current tenants, local groups, existing allotment associations and other interested parties.

The team is now in the very early stages of discussions with “not for profit” and “third sector” organisations that have expressed an interest in taking on the whole allotment service across the district.

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Our experienced officers feel that a single management option, rather than 12 individual site-based groups, will be best placed to keep costs to a minimum for all service users - sharing administration, maintenance and professional skills to the benefit of the service provision.

The amenities service is also proposing, as part of any agreement, that each site selects a representative to work with the management organisation to ensure the needs of local users are met.

Once any decision on the future management of allotments is made, the amenities team will write to all tenants and interested parties.


Chief Executive, Rother District Council

Bexhill Town Hall