LETTER: Keep it simple and sensible

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Your letters
In the light of the current mistakes by the council might it not save a lot of money if Horsham District Council followed a procedure of ‘try before you buy’ so they won’t so often find themselves in the situation of having to perform embarrassing U-turns.

Everyone knows that it if is their own money they would have to ask the question, ‘is the item to be purchased suitable for the purpose?’ so those responsible for purchasing would treat the funds as carefully as if it were their own.

In this way the council would not be bamboozled, or go for bizarre pink chewing gum holders, or large green sticky posters on the pavements, which, besides looking ridiculous, cost an awful lot of money, and in each case have had to be removed.

Keep things simple, sensible, and the town will survive, and thrive!



Hamilton Road, Horsham