Why not stagger hospital appointments to stop keeping people waiting?

Health news.Health news.
Health news.
From: Marilyn BenzingHolywell Road

My husband recently attended the Conquest hospital for a day surgery procedure, previously this had been carried out at the DGH.

This time he was summoned to the Conquest for 7.30 am we hoped this meant an early procedure but alas this was not the case.

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It was an absolute free-for-all on arrival with the spokesperson saying ‘this might look chaotic but it’s not really’ – unfortunately it was absolutely shambolic.

Why ask a large group of people to arrive early in the morning knowing they will have been travelling significant distances when the hospital is fully aware that most of them are unlikely to be seen until lunchtime?

Why not stagger appointments?

But the real concern is that most people in the waiting room were from Eastbourne and even further afield and had serious transport problems which is completely unacceptable.

There are no easy transport options between the Conquest and Eastbourne.

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Indeed, taxi firms demand £30 before you get into the car and there are no free phones or taxi ranks.

Eastbourne is a town with a population of 100,000 – we are entitled to our own hospital and commensurate facilities and we as Eastbourne residents should make our voices heard.