
I have to say that ‘Anne Of Green Gables’, with her ‘carroty’ pigtails still dwells in my soul. As a child, she made me believe that a poor orphan with nothing going for her except a soaring imagination can rise above anything ., and as for ‘Pollyanna’, well ,I still find myself playing the ‘Glad Game’ when life gets a bit tedious .Books are very powerful, aren’t they, and they can change the way we think.. Anyway, all this is leading up to the fact that we do have a book club in Iden , aptly named ‘The Iden Book Club’ and it’s good fun. Fifteen members gather around a bottle of wine and a few crisps and discuss a book. We pull it apart and dissect it, and we either love it , hate it, or are just plain unmoved by it .Our feelings are rarely unanimous, and it’s this disparity that makes a book club interesting. No one has to stand in the corner if they haven’t had time to read the book either, it’s all very friendly .We meet monthly in the Old Hall , discuss the book at length, and discuss the author. I must say given the choice I’d personally fluctuate, between a gritty American ‘cop’ book and something quaint [and probably involving a log cabin], but everyone gets a choice of book any way, so it’s all very fair. The best thing about a book club is that we all read books we wouldn’t necessarily choose to read ourselves, but we are often surprised. .There are other book clubs in Iden, and these literary interludes are just another example of activity in our seemingly sleepy village. Nothing unites people’s thought more than a good book does it?

Something else that can bring people together is a game of bowls, and Iden Bowls Club is looking for new members. There must be people from Iden and neighbouring villages who would like to be a member of a bowls club. The club will welcome you whether you are an experienced player, or have never played before. There is free parking, and members are friendly and willing to help. A free, no obligation taster session is available. All you need to do is ring 01797 280573, or 01797 280568 to arrange a time, and .this includes tea/coffee and cold drinks. The club is situated in Iden, just opposite ‘The Bell’ pub. Both ladies and gentlemen are welcome to join. Club facilities are open every day, in season. League and friendly matches are played, and most days there will be members having a ‘roll-up [that isn’t a crafty cigarette, it’s an informal practice] Believe it or not some members just use it as a chance to chat to other members and sit in the sun with a cup of tea. Whatever, it is an idyllic spot . There are club competitions and fun days to look forward to. The club is open to all age groups. and it’s a good way to keep fit. You could be ‘mustard’ at bowls without even knowing it. So come and have a go

Now! What about our rainfall? Anne Banning always keeps us posted on that scor [thank you Anne].Rainfall for the whole of March was 42.4mm [1.65 inches] There were 5 frosty nights and 19 dry days.

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There is a Race Night tonight, 11th April at 7.30pm in the village hall .[tickets available in Iden Stores] It should be a great night. Proceeds go to the Village Hall Restoration Fund, and other charities. Tickets are £10, and include a fish and chip supper.

There will be a service of Holy Communion in Iden Parish Church, at 9.30 am, on Sunday 13th April.

The ‘Iden and Playden Garden Society’ are holding their Spring Show in Iden village hall on Saturday 12th April, at, 2.30pm .Prizes will be presented at 3.30pm. Tea/coffee and biscuits will be served.

There will be a Pop-In on Monday 14th April at 11 am in the village hall. Do come.

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BINGO is on 17th April in the village hall. Doors open at 2pm, eyes down at 2.30pm.. A light tea is served, so, as it’s Easter we’ll have hot cross buns. Everyone is welcome from Iden and surrounding villages, so just turn up!

Iden Parish Council met in the village hall on Tuesday 1st April .There were reports from the Rother County Councillor, and District councillors, including one from councillor Paul Osbourne, who said that we would all be receiving literature, regarding changes in refuse disposal, which commences on 30th June.

The Parish Clerk, Mary Philo reported that thought is to be given to improve the War Memorial in some way, in respect of the centenary of the First World War. She is also in the process of appointing a new tree warden for the village. Times have changed considerably for