Air ambulance receives triathlon club donation

By donating £3,000 the Christ’s Hospital based triathlon club has saved at least 1 life, as it costs £2,500 every time the air ambulance gets in the air. Kent, Surrey and Sussex air ambulance is the club’s chosen charity and they have raise money in a number of different ways.

The money was raised by the ever popular Southwater Relay Triathlon with a significant contribution from Alan Law of Physio, Fitness Wellbeing who provides popular sports massage at the triathlon and donates his fees. In addition the club held a fund raising quiz night in Barns Green.

The photograph was taken after the club’s usual Saturday morning swim which is always followed by a very social breakfast at the Christ’s Hospital café. Tony Harris, Club Chairman, is seen handing over the cheque to Malcolm a representative of KSSAA, with a number of members around him.

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