Defeating scams

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Your letters
A local Member of Parliament considers the following to be ‘sensible advice’ and should be published.

We are deluged with emails from banks and other institutions and companies. These often offer compensation or services. I bin most of these as suspect and potentially dangerous.

If they are genuine, they should not provide a link in the email which has to be used in order to obtain forms and details. If the email is a scam, then the link must be false.

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Banks should ask the customer to go to his existing online account, on his computer, to contact the bank , in order to obtain details.

The same applies to sites like Amazon, Ebay, etc.

R.W. Standing

Sea Road

East Preston

Want to share your views? Send your letters by email: [email protected] or post to Cannon House, Chatsworth Road, Worthing, BN11 1NA.