
Playden newsPlayden news
Playden news
News items: If you have anything you would like to be included, please email [email protected]

‘Short Circuit’ found: Sadly there is a small boat/tender called Short Circuit (from EBA) that has been washed up on the river bank, up river from the tennis club. Has anyone lost it?

Playden W.I.: Current W.I. All meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at 2.30pm at Playden W.I. Hall, Houghton Green Lane. New members welcome. Contact Laura Evans 01797 229413 or Joan Taylor 01797 222583 for more details.

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Evening W.I. There will be evening meetings on May 24th and June 28th at 7.30. For more information email: [email protected] or phone 01323 442592. These meetings are to determine if evening meetings are more popular with residents.

Friends of Playden Church fundraising and events (Registered Charity No 1062992): The Friends are now fundraising to pay for the re-shingling of the church spire. This is an enormous undertaking for such a small community and so your support is vital in helping to meet the very large cost involved. It is hoped that contractors will be able to start work in April. Donations to Peter Challans 01797 224606 please.

Friends of Playden Church AGM: This is to be held on Saturday June 9th at 10.30am in the church. Members are encouraged to attend and new members are always welcome to help maintain our beautiful, special church. The minimum subscription for individual membership is £5 and £10 for a family. Please contact the membership secretary Neil Davenport 01797 224209 or pick up a leaflet from the church.

Playden Church Fete: The Fete this year will be held on Saturday July 21st July. Please put this date into your diaries. More details will follow.

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