Promising the “ultimate handbook to self-improvement”

Sean GouldingSean Goulding
Sean Goulding
Worthing’s Sean Goulding is promising the “ultimate handbook to self-improvement” with his new publication Analogous Life.

The book has been published by Zenkar Publishing (, £4.97 for the paperback, £2.97 for the Kindle/Kobo copies.

Sean, aged 19, said: “The book has been an experimental project since the day I was born yetI didn’t realise it until recently. The book explores the culmination of knowledge I have gained throughout my entire life on how to progress and improve.

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“However, on reflection, only recently I have pieced together all the puzzle to give readers the necessary components for sustained self-improvement. The book is significant to me as it teaches the lessons I genuinely use on a day-to-day basis.

“I am also an avid reader and frequently encounter books that are jam packed full of filler words and repetitive phrases which consume 50 per cent of the books. My book will appeal to people because it isn’t full of filler words or repetitive phrases and gives you the teaching directly through the story – for this reason I have dubbed Analogous Life as the no-nonsense guide to self-improvement.

“The contents page also allows readers to review lessons whenever they want, without having to climb through pages of nonsense and filler words first. Everyone who has read the book so far has enjoyed it and commented on the lack of nonsense and filler sentences/words. The book may also be controversial to some as it challenges some ideas they may have portrayed as helpful; I debunk some of these ideas and provide alternatives. The book teaches you to be exceptional as I have found a norm to be people feeling unhappy.

Statistics found on the forthwithlife website support my discovery as from a sample size of 2,000, it states that 85 per cent, therefore 1,700 out of 2,000, people ‘are experiencing a clearly recognisable level of worry regularly.’ This is why the book aims to teach people to challenge mediocrity; if not many people are happy, you won’t become happy by following what everyone else is doing.

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“I came to write it as I would often talk to people about any problems they had been having and although the responses were different, they all had the same fundamental remedy. Although everyone thinks that their problems are unique, 99 per cent of the time they are the same problems as everyone else, just with different characters in their story. This led me to writing the book because instead of repeating myself in suggesting ideas to people to improve themselves I could refer them to my book.

“This would save us time and would also mean they can carry it around with them as a reference guide. I like my book to be used as a reference to be carried around and for specific chapters to be viewed whenever someone is in need of guidance. Hence the size of my paperback - this way people can easily carry a source of education around with them. The book is aimed at anyone wanting to improve, I don’t have an age limit to the book. I recently read an interesting quote which said something like ‘you only become old when you stop learning.’ So anyone willing to learn from my book, with an open minded approach, will love my book, regardless of their age. This book is a stand-alone publication, but I am working on my next book and have other books in mind which are based on specific components of self-improvement. For example, in my next book I aim to explore and suggest ways to optimise our neurological reward system. I started writing the book at the beginning of my summer after my first year at university. I had already noted down a lot of ideas as a reference in my notepad prior to this.”